David H. Boggs, MS | Maine Search Marketing Since 1995

David H. Boggs, MS David H. Boggs, MS

My Rules for Life:

Always be myself.
Listen before talking.
Tell the truth even if it costs me money.
Get satisfaction from helping others.
I'm in the results business.


I want your business and even more than that I want you to succeed, make a lot of money and be happy.

100% Money Back GuaranteeSo I will do all Google Ads and SEO work for you on a 30-day trial with an unconditional 100% money back guarantee: after 30 days, if you're not completely satisfied, I'll refund whatever you've paid for my services.

Grow Your Business with Google FREE Guide:

Grow Your Business with Google: The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Best Google Search Agency for Your Business

My New FREE Guide explains:

  • How Google Ads and SEO work
  • Why Google Ads is better than social media
  • Why you need to work with a professional agency
  • Why “cheap” agencies will cost you money
  • How to spot a bad agency
  • How to find the best Google Search agency
Don't wait! Download your FREE guide now and find the best agency for your business:

 I promise to keep your email address safe, and not send you annoying marketing messages.

Why you should work with me

The internet is full of tech and ad “experts” who claim to be able to deliver more customers and more money for any kind of business.

But few of these “experts” have the technical skills needed to do search marketing today, and even fewer have ever sold anything to anybody.

I'm different:

  • I have an engineering master's degree and 20+ years’ experience working with Google's Search and Advertising products.
  • As Key Account Manager for a corporation with $8 billion in annual sales I've sold big-ticket services to some of the largest companies in New England.
  • I'm certified by Google in Ads and Analytics.
  • I offer all services as prepaid 30-day trials with an unconditional money-back guarantee.
  • And as an independent consultant, I pay for my own training and benefits and won't add to your overhead burden.

My Philosophy of Marketing:

David H. Boggs, MS I like to work with entrepreneurs and owners who run small-to-medium independent service and professional businesses selling to local or regional New England markets and want to get more customers and make more money.

David H. Boggs, MSBeing visible in Google Search is essential for most types of small local businesses. Because when people need what those businesses are selling, they use Google to search for where to buy it. These search-critical businesses include:

 Go here for a deeper dive into how I work and what I believe it takes to make a good client/consultant working relationship.

I want you to succeed. Taking your money isn't a win for me. Giving you a good return on your investment is.

For best return on your marketing investment, I'm sold on direct-response marketing like you get from Google Ads, have been since 1995. And you should be too.

Google Searchfor BusinessesThe vital business plan for any company should be: sell something right now. For that to happen, your marketing must contain strong sales pitches that contain offers and reasons to act on them now - not “think about it” - and stress the benefits to your best customers of buying your stuff.

And get your offers in front of people who are actively looking for what you're selling - which is what Google Ads does.

With my help to do those things well, along with getting new customers and making more money you'll begin to acquire brand recognition and reputation as a free add-on.

My qualifications and experience

University of Iowa Graduate College of Engineering Sigma Xi - The Scientific Research Honor Society I grew up in a mill town in Massachusetts, attended college on scholarships and part-time and summer jobs, graduated from the University of Iowa with a Master of Science degree in engineering with psychology minor, and was elected to the international science and engineering honor society Sigma Xi, which supports research and has more than 700 active chapters worldwide.

US Naval Sea Systems Command Avangrid Networks Prior to starting my own businesses, I worked as an engineer in the US Navy Nuclear Shipbuilding Program, and later as Key Account Sales Engineer for the Central Maine Power subsidiary of renewable energy giant Avangrid Networks which serves 3.3 million electric and natural gas customers in New England and New York.

Google Certifications Google Verified Advertiser I've been doing search marketing for 20+ years and am certified by Google in Search Ads, Display Ads, Ads Measurement and Google Analytics. I am also a Google Verified Advertiser and a Google Ads Advisor.

Generative AI Course Completion Badge I spend many hours every week keeping up with Google's latest improvements to Google Ads, Google Business Profile, Google Maps, Google Cloud, YouTube, Mobile First Indexing, and all Google's other tools and platforms.

I use the latest and best SEO and PPC tools: Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Google Ads Editor, Screaming Frog, Xenu - and now the open-source AI chatbot DeepSeek, and more...

SEMRUSH  ahrefs MOZ deepseek

Paid Search Association I'm an active professional member of the Paid Search Association which is dedicated to maintaining high ethical and business standards in the paid search industry.

ACRO Global Since 2000, I have been founder, President and CEO of tourism marketing firm ACRO Global, a Maine corporation, providing digital marketing, advertising and representation services to tourism businesses and destinations that are targeting the New England market.

My X (formerly Twitter)timeline is here. I tweet mainly about Google search and advertising, also tech research and conferences. Please check it out, and follow me!

On a Personal Level

Blanche and David Boggs When not traveling, my wife Blanche and I divide our time between our two favorite small towns: Boothbay Harbor, Maine, where we have our main office and a 100-year-old log cabin, and South Boston, Massachusetts, where we have home-and-office-in-one in an even older block of triple-decker brick rowhouses.

Pre-COVID, we did a lot of meetings and tradeshows for different industries around New England, and I'm hoping we'll be able to do that again soon.

1985 Porsche 928S cooking I've always liked to tinker with machinery - engineering was an obvious career choice - so have rooms full of audio, video and computer gear, and a garage full of old cars, some drivable, some not yet (but working on it). And, for creative therapy, I cook.

If you're an old friend or business associate, please reach out to say hello!

 Ready to start making more money now? Most Google Search Marketing campaigns need an investment of only a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month. Just click this link and tell me a bit about your business objectives and Get a Quote!

Contact me:

 David H. Boggs, MS
Google Ads
SEO for Sales System
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Boston, Massachusetts
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