Per article by" /> EU fines Google 2.42B euro for antitrust violations in comparison-shopping searches

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EU fines Google 2.42B euro for antitrust violations in comparison-shopping searches
29 June 2017
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Per article by Natasha Lomas for TechCrunch the EC has fined Google 2.42B euro (about US$2.73B) for alleged antitrust violations including:

  • Systematically placing its own comparison shopping service at the top of search results
  • Lowering positions of rival services in search results

Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said:

“Google has given its own comparison shopping service an illegal advantage by abusing its dominance in general Internet search. It has promoted its own service, and demoted rival services. It has harmed competition and consumers. That’s illegal under EU antitrust rules.”

Google is certain to appeal this ruling.

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