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Most people want to be rewarded for watching an ad in order to view premium content online
01 February 2017 (Edited )
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eMarketer reports the results of research conducted by Nielsen Media Labs in the summer of 2016 to assess the preferences of 1200 American Internet users for ad-supported vs. paid access to premium digital content.

Key findings:

  • 54% said they would agree to watch ads in order to access content.
  • 29% said they're willing to watch mandatory ads that auto-play before content.
  • 16% said they prefer to pay for content so as not to have to see ads.

It's encouraging for many advertisers that so many users (29%) have no problem with having to watch mandatory ads before getting to content. It would be interesting to see a demographic breakdown of the respondents. Are those 29% skewed toward younger users and/or lower-income users?

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