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Tech industry united in opposition to FCC plan to end net neutrality protections [VIDEO]
29 November 2017
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FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai has proposed to repeal the net neutrality protections put into place in 2015 via the Obama administration’s Open Internet Order because he believes they have stifled network expansion and investment beyond major population centers, and unfairly advantaged the largest ISPs at the expense of smaller companies.

The Open Internet Order classified ISPs as common carriers, regulated by the FCC.

Major Internet companies including Facebook and Google, as well as the Internet Association - which includes as members Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter and many others - have taken positions against Pai’s plan, which would move policing of ISPs and associated consumer-protection responsibilities from the FCC to the FTC.

Pai has said he plans to go forward with his proposed changes regardless of public outcry.

The FCC will vote on Pai’s proposal on 14 December 2017.

Anyone who thinks Pai’s plan is a bad idea should speak up before it’s too late.

You can submit a comment in the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System about the “Restoring Internet Freedom” [sic haha] proposal here.

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