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What women want from influencer content - and how brands can take advantage
08 January 2017 (Edited )
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Blog-aggregator-for-women Bloglovin has published the results of a survey of "20,000 digitally savvy women worldwide" (69% in North America and aged 18-49) looking at how women engage with influencer content in social media and the implications for brands.

Some key findings:

  • Top 3 social-media platforms for following influencers:
  1. Instagram (61%)
  2. Facebook (52%)
  3. Pinterest (36%)
  • 88% of respondents said they follow influencers on 2 or more platforms.
  • Top 3 categories of interest:
    1. Food
    2. Fashion and beauty
    3. DIY
  • Top reasons (mentioned by 50%+) women follow influencers on social media for niche topics:
    1. They post about a niche topic I enjoy (65%)
    2. Their posts provide inspiration that's achievable in my life (62%)
    3. They post beautiful pictures (60%)
    4. I like the brands they introduce me to (52%)
  • Implications for brands:
    • Work with influencers who cover niche topics.
    • Remember that women want to see content that's achievable in their own lives.
  • Where women engage most with influencer-sponsored content:
    1. Facebook (57%)
    2. Instagram (48%)
    3. Pinterest (31%)
  • Top things women said kept them from engaging with an influencer's social-media posts:
    1. Doesn't feel genuine (61%)
    2. Feels overly self-promoting (48%)
    3. Don't like the product (45%)
    4. I know it's paid (37%)
    5. No images (35%)
  • Implications for brands:
    • Be genuine.
    • Seek influencers who have already mentioned your product "organically to make the collaboration feel authentic"
  • Top things women said make an influencer's post inauthentic:
    1. Content inconsistent with influencer's feed (59%)
    2. #paid hashtag (36%)
    3. Same product on other influencers' feeds same day
    4. Brand messaging in the post
    5. #ad hashtag
  • Implications for brands:
    • Work with influencer to incorporate brand messaging but give influencer creative control to ensure highest engagement.
    • Focus in consistency in messaging.
  • Instagram stories vs. Snapchat stories: 76% overall prefer to watch stories on Instagram, but age is a significant factor. Instagram preference by age group:
    • 50+ 90%
    • 30-49 85%
    • 18-29 70%
    • <18 45%
  • Implications for brands:
    • Use Instagram for audiences 18+.
    • For younger audiences, both Instagram and Snapchat are viable options.
  • Things women said they would give up for a week to spend a day with their favorite influencer:
    • Food delivery services (39%)
    • Uber, Lyft, cabs (36%)
    • Streaming movie/TV services (32%)
    • Streaming music services (30%)
    • Social media altogether (27%)
  • Influencers drive purchases and boost brands' social followings:
    • 54% have bought a product/service after seeing it in an influencer's post.
    • 45% have followed a brand directly from an influencer's post.
  • Implications for brands:
    • Brands can work with influencers to drive sales because women trust favorite influencers' recommendations.
    • Brands can increase social media presence by working with influencers because women turn to influencers to find new brands to follow.
  • Top things influencers inspire women to do:
    1. Use a new product/brand I would not have otherwise considered (63%)
    2. Undertake or plan a new experience (decorate my house, etc.)
    3. Use a product in a different way (58%)
  • Implications for brands:
    • Brands can work with influencers to teach consumers new ways to use products.
    • Consider experiential campaigns that tell a story alongside products.

An interesting primer on how to sneakily advertise and sell stuff to women via social media. This report could create an ugly backlash if it were to fall into the hands of women.

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