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Vermont issues RFP for Tourism Media Strategy and Implementation Services
28 June 2024
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"devise overall destination marketing campaign strategies and media plans utilizing the most advantageous channels for each audience or objective"

Vermont issues RFP for Tourism Media Strategy and Implementation Services

The Department of Tourism & Marketing of the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development has issued an RFP for Tourism Media Strategy and Implementation Services seeking proposals from qualified vendors for an overall destination marketing campaign for attracting visitors to Vermont.

Anticipated contract start date is 29 July 2024, for a period of up to 5 years.

Scope of work:

  • Devise overall destination marketing campaign strategies and media plans utilizing the most advantageous channels for each audience or objective
  • Establish timelines and flight schedules negotiating efficient buys and cost effective rates
  • Develop value-added opportunities, placement and delivery of creative assets to media outlets
  • Monitor campaigns insertion orders
  • Optimize campaigns for max effectiveness
  • Reconcile media invoices
  • Provide post-campaign summary report of reach and frequency

All creative assets will be produced in-house or provided by the State, so campaign creative development is not included in the scope of work.

Vendor will consider the following when developing media buying strategies:

  • Past advertising performance
  • Seasonal and activity-based visitation planning windows
  • Coordination with paid search campaigns
  • Assets and resources available
  • Tourism research available
  • Budget

Media buying strategies will:

  • Offer clear goals, tactics, budgets, measurable targets
  • Include SEM plan
  • Use appropriate traditional and new media
  • Consider timing for optimum exposure to target audience in most cost-effective manner
  • Explore non-broadcast media such as OOH, sponsored content, experiential marketing, etc.
  • Use other media as proposed by Vendor and agreed to by State

Vendor will collaborate with the State on strategy development.

Vendor will develop and execute media plans, negotiating most efficient and cost-effective rates, execute insertion orders, develop brand lift measurement for all media.

Vendor will coordinate delivery of the State's ad campaigns to purchased media venues.

Vendor shall invoice media buys separately from other services.

Required reports:

  • Monthly status and optimization updates
  • Detailed summary report per campaign
  • Annual report of KPIs

Vendor shall maintain liability insurance with minimum coverage of $2M per claim and $2M policy aggregate.

All of Vendor's work will become the property of the State.

Proposal format:

  • Cover letter
  • Knowledge and expertise in media buying, media tactics, destination marketing, analytical tools, reporting
  • Resumes of personnel
  • Proposed approach
  • Examples of previous work
  • SEM
  • Proposed timeline
  • Customer service and reporting
  • Subcontractors
  • 3 references from customers in past 12 months
  • Sample reports
  • Pricing

State contact:

Michele Snyder 802-461-5224

Proposals are due 4:30 PM EDT 26 June 2024.

Proposals must be submitted in digital format via email to with subject line "<<Tourism Media Strategy and Implementation Services>> - Bid Proposal"

Email must contain PDF attachment of bid or viable download link.

Bid document must be a digitally searchable PDF and meet various other requirements.

See the RFP for a great deal of fine print including hourly rates itemized by service.

Comment: This RFP reminds me of why I no longer do government contracts.

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