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Nielsen Norman Group: Website tone of voice significantly impacts users' perceptions of brand
10 August 2016 (Edited )
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Nielsen Norman Group finds by experiment that a "casual, conversational and enthusiastic" Web-site voice leads to favorable perceptions on the part of users of a brand's "friendliness, trustworthiness and desirability".

Testing was done using fake Web sites in the insurance, health care, banking and home-security industries.

Findings of interest:

  • Of the 3 dimensions of favorability, trustworthiness was key.
  • A conversational tone is well received when it comes from a "serious" industry, but a playful tone is not.
  • Humor proved to be extremely risky.
  • Quantitative measures of favorability are unreliable.
  • Best approach is to ask users prompting but vague questions in order to elicit useful qualitative data about how they perceive your Web site.

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