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Millennials don't hate advertising: It's all about the value exchange
29 August 2016 (Edited )
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Dale Lovell writes for Econsultancy (excerpts):

"With millennial expectations of advertising increasing and the rise of ad-blocking, the value exchange between brand and consumer is now more important than ever."

"...[Millennials] expect the value exchange to be present. Their time is precious. In exchange for their time interacting with your brand they expect something in return. They expect a brand to entertain them. Or to offer them information they find interesting..."

"An Adyoulike study of 1,000 UK adults aged 18-33 in 2015 found that over half of UK millennials (57%) will happily visit online content that appeals to them even if it has been obviously paid for or sponsored "

"It’s not just millennials. Whatever the demographic, consumers expect more from advertisers. "

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