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Check your HTML fast online with the FreeFormatter validator
24 March 2020 (Edited )
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Now no one has any excuse for having bad HTML in their pages

Here at ACRO Global it's standard practice to validate our HTML markup against W3C standards every time a change is made to an HTML document.

Because it's easy to make a small mistake - like misplacing a quotation mark or a semicolon - that can break the rendered version of the file.

Since we're coding HTML professionally for clients, and need to do it accurately and very quickly, we use a fairly costly piece of offline validator software.

But for anyone who just wants to do quick checks of web pages coded by self or others, the FreeFormatter online validator produces no-nonsense results and does it very fast.

You'll find the validator here:[/url] .

We gave it a test on our simple ACRO Global contact page here which looks like this:

There are 2 ways to make input to the validator: by copying/pasting your HTML code into the input form, or by uploading thne entire HTML file.

Since ours is a small file, we just copied/pasted it in:

Pushing the VALIDATE HTML button instantly produced this result:

Line 84 of our code looks like this (highlighted):

Validator is correct. That's a nesting error: the <strong> tags belong inside the <p> (paragraph) tags.

Slick! Now no one has any excuse for having bad HTML in their pages.

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