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Google: 'Next Practices' In Destination Marketing
12 March 2017 (Edited )
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In a Forbes article, contributor Andrew Levine reports on a recent presentation on destination marketing by Google staffers to DMO Visit California.


  • More than 50% of Google searches are being done via smartphone.
  • Travel-related searches on mobile devices increased by 50% in 2016.
  • Marketing messages need to be timed according to where the user is in the search/book process.
  • YouTube (owned by Google) reaches more people aged 18-49 than any other network or cable provider.
  • Interest in travel-related videos has increased by about 60% since 2015.
  • VR is about to become very important in travel.
  • Technology advances now allow marketers to become "inventors" of new kinds of interactions with consumers.


  • Design content that's optimized for mobile devices first, then adapt for desktop.
  • Target search ads according to where users are in the search/book process; don't try immediately to close people who have just begun to research a trip, and don't distract people who are ready to book with extraneous details.
  • Create videos, post them on YouTube, link to them from your owned content.
  • Get knowledgeable about VR.
  • Use available technologies that can give you an edge, but let marketers control the message and the targeting.

- David

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