New research finds a one-second reduction in page load time lifts conversion 5.7% on mobile, 3.3% on desktop

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New research finds a one-second reduction in page load time lifts conversion 5.7% on mobile, 3.3% on desktop
30 June 2021 (Edited )
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58% of bounces are from pages that take longer than 4 seconds to load

Fast-loading pages convert better

New research results from Waltham, MA-based eCommerce SpeedHub suggest that every one-second reduction in page loading time can produce a 5.7% conversion lift on mobile - 3.3% on desktop - while also reducing bounce rate by 12.2% across devices.

Additional interesting findings:

  • 59% of conversions come from pages that load in under 4 seconds, 58% of bounces from pages that take longer.
  • On ecommerce sites, product detail pages and category pages (in aggregate) account for 2/3 of all pageviews.
  • Ecommerce pages that are optimized for loading speed load 21% faster than unoptimized pages and reduce transaction time by 15 seconds - a significant percentagewise reduction in the overall mean transaction time of 70.2 seconds.
  • Heavyweight pages can be optimized to load faster than lightweight pages, and they produce more conversions.
  • Optimization of product detail pages can reduce loading time by 2 seconds, producing the biggest positive impact on ecommerce sites

eCommerce SpeedHub says data behind these numbers come from shopping activity including more than 25M pageviews on sites of 200 retailers.

Go here for more numbers.

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