New Hampshire Issues RFP for US Tourism PR Services
On Monday, 24 February the State of New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) issued RFP BEA 2025-09 seeking Domestic Public Relations Services.
Goals stated by BEA are:
- Serve as BEA's PR rep in the US market
- Increase brand awareness among consumer audiences
- Develop and execute a brand-aligned PR program complementing BEA's advertising and marketing campaigns
Term of the non-exclusive contract would be 2 years July 2025 - June 2027 with option to renew through June 2029.
- Vendor inquiry period 2/24 - 2/27 12 PM
- Agency responses to inquiries 2/28 5 PM
- Proposal due 3/20 2 PM
- Notification of selection 4/9 (est.)
Scope of work:
- Create, implement and manage for 12 months through regional and national media relations outreach and hosting a program that supports NH's promotional campaigns. resulting in trackable media coverage. Plan will:
- Generate positive exposure for NH through consumer and industry media measurable by ROI and qualitative measures
- Include robust and creative support for a niche consumer ad campaign
- Plan and execute one or more media receptions in key or new markets
- Create media target lists for print, online and broadcast
- Secure a minimum of 6 individual press trips annually
- Coordinate key market media tours and briefings at least twice a year
- Assist in creating media outreach strategies that get coverage of NH tourism
- Work with AOR to develop and implement a digital influencer strategy
- Support crisis communications and reputation management
- Work with BEA on special projects
- Hold bi-monthly and quarterly meetings
- Track and report media coverage
- Prepare monthly, campaign and annual reports
- Participate in conferences and events in NH
Sole point of contact for this RFP is:
Brittany Littlefield
RFP contains the usual fine print about Debarment. Validity, Non-collusion, Public Disclosure, etc.
Proposal scoring:
- Company experience and results 30
- Experience and qualifications of staff 25
- Strategic thinking/planning/innovation 25
- Familiarity with NH and NH tourism 10
- Budget 10
Oral interviews will be conducted if necessary.
"Vendors are advised that this is not a low bid award."
Submitting proposals
Send electronically in searchable PDF format one full proposal and one with all confidential information redacted to:
Subject line must contain RESPONSE TO RFP: Domestic Public Relations Services
RFP contains more fine print about what proposal must contain: Form P-37, contractor data sheet, etc.
Nowhere in the RFP could I find a dollar figure.
But this looks like a pretty valuable job.
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