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Cripple Creek, CO seeks Economic and Tourism Development Consultant
23 May 2024
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Economic development and tourism strategy plan needed

Cripple Creek, CO seeks Economic and Tourism Development Consultant

The City of Cripple Creek - population 1,258, county seat of Teller County, near Pikes Peak - is looking for a consultant to produce an economic development and tourism strategy plan ("EDTS plan") , to include data collection, analysis and production of a detailed plan that addresses:

  • Discover how best to develop Cripple Creek as a diverse destination:
    • Existing tourism characteristics
    • Visitor numbers, demographics, seasonality, length of stay
    • Visitors' spending habits
    • Current attractions/events/assets driving demand, and opportunities for growth
    • Research untapped potential tourism
    • Identify new/better tourism demand generators
    • Identify impacts of tourism on workforce and population growth
    • Identify how to retain tourism employees
    • Identify tourism target markets and organizational strategies
    • Research and benchmark competing destinations
  • Provide guidance for city and private sector to achieve that goal:
    • Strategies, goals, policies, etc. to secure a more stable economy and make the city a better year-round tourism destination
    • Identify gaps in tourism infrastructure
    • Identify physical improvements needed for a walkable downtown
    • Assess current destination marketing program and create a branding and marketing strategy that will increase visitation and length of stay
    • Recommend operating guidelines for desired developmental results
  • Perform a study of the downtown district to include:
    • Current effectiveness as main economic district
    • Identify economic activity: businesses, attractions, etc.
    • Identify gaps in infrastructure or amenities that may hinder economic/tourism growth, including built environment, physical attributes, etc.
    • Present strategy for resolving issues identified

Objective of the EDTS Plan is to guide strategic investment in hotels, casinos (11 of which are currently operating), restaurants, recreation and entertainment to support and expand the economic viability of the city, and transform it into a year-round tourism destination.

Cripple Creek has issued a second RFP for updating its comprehensive plan, which is available at and will entertain proposals that address both RFPs.

Various requirements (but see the RFP for all):

  • Community outreach and interviews, dealing with stakeholders, cooperating with city officials
  • EDTS Plan to be suitable for public distribution and include graphical representations of findings as appropriate

The RFP doesn't address the city's budget for this project, so far as I can see.

Submit questions to " rel="nofollow" >][u] by noon MST 7 June 2024.

Submit proposals to Malissa Gish " rel="nofollow" >][u] by 4 PM MST 21 June 2024. See the RFP for very specific format requirements..

Price will be weighted at 25% in evaluating proposals.

Intended award date is 3 July 2024.

Draft EDTS Plan will be due 27 September 2024, final version 12 November 2024.

Comment: This looks to me like strictly a local-agency job, since it involves having staff on the ground in Cripple Creek for potentially a period of months. And a city with 1,258 inhabitants probably doesn't have an enormous marketing budget. Also knowledge/experience of the gaming industry is likely essential, since with 11 casinos gaming is probably the city's #1 industry and #1 hope for more tourism.

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