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For younger people food is a source of status and conversational currency [REPORT]
17 November 2016 (Edited )
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This report from Havas Worldwide describes five current trends in the world of food.

You can see them all in the full report but here we're going to look at one trend in particular: "#Foodporn is a total turn-on" - because it has actionable implications for marketing to young people.

Key points:

  • "Never before has a generation of young people been as obsessed with food as millennials are. Food is now a rich source of entertainment, a hobby, and a craft."
  • A majority of millennials identify themselves as foodies.
  • Food is a source of status and conversational currency for young people.
  • Social interaction about food has gone online.
  • Only 1 in 4 women surveyed would opt for sex over a great dinner.
  • 7 in 10 millennials say they like to experiment with new flavors and ingredients.
  • "The explosion in foodism has proved a boon for brands in a variety of categories, with opportunities extending from food products themselves to food travel, food media, and food education."

Restaurants and culinary tours featuring exotic foods - as authentic and easily shared via social media as possible - sound like winning offerings for the young-adult market (especially women, apparently).

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