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How Americans used search to plan their summer vacations in 2018
18 September 2018 (Edited )
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From a recent post by Sara Kleinberg on Think with Google:

In the past 2 years:

  • Mobile searches for "things to do/activities" + "near me" ("things to do near me today" etc.) have grown 6X.
  • Location-specific mobile searches for "best things to do" ("best things to do in Boston") grew 85%+.
  • Mobile searches for "events/attractions" + "near me" ("concerts near me") have grown over 500%.
  • Location-specific mobile searches for "day/weekend" + "trip" ("maine weekend trip") and "things to do" + "tonight" ("things to do tonight in bar harbor") have grown over 100%.
  • Mobile searches for "kids/family" + "near me" ("fun activities for kids near me") grew over 390%.

Implications for marketers:

  • Travel, entertainment and outdoor companies are a natural fit for these kinds of searches.
  • Think tie-ins with food, music, etc. festivals.



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