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Google Analytics to report Google Images data separately
01 October 2018
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In a recent post on the Google Blog, Krista Seiden explained changes that are about to happen in how Google Analytics reports traffic coming from Google Images.

Until now, traffic coming from Google Images Search has been included in "google/organic" in the GA Acquisition reports.

Going forward. traffic from Google Images will be separated out as "google images" in the GA Source report and "google images /organic" in the Source/Medium report.

"" will still show up in the Referral report.

These changes will occur automatically for all accounts, and you don't need to do anything UNLESS you're using filters or custom channel groupings based on Google Organic Source or Medium.

As to benefits of this change, Ms. Seiden says:

'The ability to segment audiences based on Google Images versus overall Google Search can help you determine which pieces of content are most valuable, allow you to create audiences specific to image search, and use those audiences across the Google Marketing Platform."

Go here for Google's instructions for creating and managing custom reports .

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