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Google announces upgrade to Expanded Text Ads
29 August 2018
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Google has announced these changes to its Expanded Text Ads for Search and Display Networks:

  • 3 headline fields, 2 required 1 optional, max 30 characters each, separated by | characters. May wrap.
  • 2 description fields, max 90 characters each
  • 3rd headline, 2nd description not guaranteed to be displayed, especially with narrow screens.
  • If your domain is your display URL will be that regardless of complete landing page URL.
  • Can use 2 optional Path fields - 15 characters each - for keywords etc. related to landing page content.
  • Ads are mobile-optimized, no device-preference setting available.
  • Bulk upload via spreadsheet is available.
  • Bulk editing in Ads Editor is available.

When replacing earlier versions of ads with these new/improved ones, Google recommends leaving the older ads in place, with the expectation that the new ads will get most, but not necessarily all, traffic.

It seems that every day Google creates a new inducement for us to use Google Ads and keep the click charges flowing!

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David Boggs MS    - David
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