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Google cracking down on fake and paid positive Maps reviews
29 September 2024 (Edited )
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Penalties include suspension and shame badging

Google cracking down on fake and paid positive Maps reviews

Google has published guidelines explaining how businesses creating or buying fake positive reviews on Maps will be penalized.

Fake or "incentivized" reviews will be removed, and actions will be taken against businesses using them, including but not necessarily limited to:

  • New Business Profile reviews and ratings blocked for X amount of time
  • Existing Business Profile reviews and ratings blocked for X amount of time
  • "Shame badge" displayed on Business profile stating that fake/paid reviews have been removed

Types of prohibited and restricted review content that are subject to removal and penalties include:

  • Content not based on a "real experience"
  • Content not accurately representing the specific location or product
  • Content posted as the result of an incentive offered by the business, such as payment, discounts, free goods/services
  • Content posted from multiple accounts with intent to manipulate the rating of the business
  • Content posted using an electronic or other device that mimics genuine engagement, manipulates data or results, or otherwise creates confusion

Per Google, merchants may not:

  • Solicit or encourage the posting of content not representing a genuine experience
  • Offer incentives for posting a positive review or removing/altering a negative review
  • Discourage the posting of negative reviews
  • Selectively solicit positive reviews from customers
  • Post content on a competitor's profile that undermines the reputation of that business or its products

Google will notify businesses of penalties, which can be appealed.

Comment: Based on personal experience with other of Google's various appeals processes, I strongly recommend that you avoid getting penalized.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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