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Google released Ads Editor 2.7
23 July 2024
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Adds some features, takes some away

Google released Ads Editor 2.7

Ads Editor - a free download here - makes it easier to do bulk changes to Google Ads campaigns.

New in Version 2.7:

  • AI-generated headlines and other assets for asset groups
  • Video partners for Demand Gen campaigns
  • New Customer Acquisition Goal supported at campaign level
  • Account-level content label exclusions
  • Account-level negative keywords
  • Additional account-level settings
  • Reserve CPM bidding renamed Fixed CPM, now supports Video campaigns
  • Shows reasons for automatically paused keywords
  • Finer filtering of CSV exports
  • "Hide empty items" checkbox
  • Format preferences for Demand Gen Video Ads

Features removed from Version 2.7:

  • Smart Shopping campaigns and ads
  • Feed-based location assets and groups

Google Ads Editor automatically check for updates at startup and periodically while running, so if you have an earlier version already installed, you won't need to download 2.7.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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