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Google rolls out auto-applying AdWords ad suggestions
02 April 2018
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Google is about to get more aggressive about suggesting additional AdWords ads.

Benefits Google claims for the ad suggestions include:

  • Better campaign performance
  • More clicks or conversions
  • More relevant search/ad match
  • Save time in creating ads
  • Free optimization of ad copy

Only a few categories of products are exempt from ad suggestions: alcohol, payday loans, etc.

Otherwise, the only eligibility criteria for ad suggestions are that your campaign be:

  • In one of these languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French or Italian; and
  • Using “optimize” ad rotation.

Application of ad suggestions is a default for new AdWords accounts – but you can opt out of ad suggestions at the account level.

Google will limit ad suggestions to 50 per week per account.

Suggested ads will be auto-applied after 14 days unless you “dismiss” them (opt out).

If you dismiss some suggested ads, you may continue to receive more suggested ads.

Once suggested ads start running, you can edit, pause or dismiss them anytime.

Auto-applying ad suggestions is yet another feature Google encourages you to let it do on autopilot.

I strongly recommend you not make this tradeoff of ad quantity for ad quality. Google’s AI is a wonderful technology, but it’s not yet smarter than you, and it lacks your intimate knowledge of your own business and markets.

Dismiss any Google-created ad that isn’t at least as relevant and compelling as those you’ve created yourself.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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