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Google's New AdWords Experience: Settings - Part 2 - Languages
17 January 2018 (Edited )
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In earlier posts on Google's "New AdWords Experience" I've discussed the Overview, Demographics, and two of the key Settings: Networks and Locations.

Now let's look at Settings - Languages.

Remember: If when you log in to your AdWords account and open a campaign you don’t see the new interface (Google AdWords BETA at top left), click the gear icon (Billing, account settings and help) at top right, then click “Try the faster AdWords BETA”.

To open the Settings, click on Settings in the left navigation pane.

And to see the Language settings, click on the dropdown arrow beside Languages then in the right pane.

Depending on what language selections have been made previously, you should then see something like this:

The screencap above shows that currently Languages are set to English only. (That is, AdWords is set to display our ads only to searchers using English-language browsers.) But notice that AdWords knows from our Locations settings that we have targeted German- and French-speaking countries or regions, so suggests that we add those languages.

Or to see all available languages, we can click in the Start typing or select a language field and get a dropdown list of languages that can be selected by checking boxes:

If we pass on the full language list and instead click on Google's suggested choices of German and French over on the right, those languages will be added to the existing English, like this:

Be sure to save any changes you've made.

In the next post we'll tackle Bidding, which is a little more complicated.

In the meantime, if you have questions of comments, please send them along.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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