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Max Starkov: Impactful marketing strategies for independent hotels
10 June 2024
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OTA marketing spend per property averages only $250/month

Max Starkov: Impactful marketing strategies for independent hotels

In a recent interview, hospitality consultant and strategist Max Starkov addressed the question: What marketing strategies that hotels with limited marketing budgets can afford have the biggest impact?

Mr. Starkov's insights:

1. Although in 2023 OTAs spent $12 billion on marketing, that's only around $250 per hotel per month.

2. Even small independent hotels should be spending 4% of their room revenue on marketing monthly, so $250 should be doable.

3. Some things hotels can do for $250/month to increase their online visibility and get people to book directly:

  • Ensure website is mobile-friendly, downloads in 2.5 seconds or less, has fresh content that truly represents your property, and is fully optimized for organic search.
  • Take advantage of free opportunities: Google Business Profile, free Google Hotel Ads, directories, CVB listings, etc.
  • Run a Google Ads campaign with the goal of owning 100% share-of-voice for your property's brand name and other branded keywords. Budget enough for clicks that your ads are showing 100% of the time. Because OTAs are already bidding on your hotel's name.
  • Invest in content marketing to engage consumers in the Dreaming and Planning stages of trip planning - along with intermediaries like group tour organizers and wedding planners - priming them to have your hotel top-of-mind when they're ready to book.
  • Use B2B content marketing to reach corporate travel managers and group planners, corporate executives, and meeting and convention organizers.

Comment: If you were to spend $250/month on Google Ads, that would be a pretty small click budget to keep ads running 24/7. You cannot afford to buy wasted clicks on too-broad keywords. Run ads that draw clicks only on searches for your unique, branded keywords.

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