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November 2017 global search engine market shares
07 December 2017 (Edited )
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After overhauling its measurement technology to exclude as much bot traffic as possible, analytics vendor NetApplications has published these global browser market share figures for November 2017:

Desktop (share>1%):

  1. Google 74.24%
  2. Baidu 10.62%
  3. Bing 7.91%
  4. Yahoo! 5.68%

Mobile (share>1%):

  1. Google 93.00%
  2. Baidu 2.96%
  3. Bing 1.91%
  4. Yahoo! 1.47%

Note that these data are country-level-weighted which NetApplications explains means:

"We have implemented country-level weighting in our reports. This means that we adjust our reports proportionally based on how much traffic we record from a country vs. how many internet users that country has. For example, although we have significant data from China, it is relatively small compared to the number of internet users in China. Therefore, we weight Chinese traffic proportionally higher in our global reports. This change produces a much more accurate view of worldwide usage share statistics. The source of the weighting data is C.I.A published statistics and "

To me that means, from a marketer's perspective, that their data from China are problematic and potentially misleading. Because Google is blocked in much of China, Baidu and Sogou are #1 and #2 browsers used on mobile devices. And if you're targeting consumers in China, you need to be visible in those Chinese browsers.

An excellent and useful set of data overall though.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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