Market intelligence providers Similarweb have released a new report entitle" /> Travel websites got 55.6% of their traffic from mobile devices in 2017

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Travel websites got 55.6% of their traffic from mobile devices in 2017
21 March 2018 (Edited )
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Market intelligence providers Similarweb have released a new report entitled State of the Mobile Web - US - 2018 on research into mobile usage in 3 verticals: shopping travel and finance.

Here are some of there significant findings about how mobile devices are used in buying travel:

  • Travel websites got 55.6% of their traffic from mobile devices in 2017.
  • Average bounce rate was 36% for mobile vs. 28% for desktop. A relatively high proportion of traffic coming from search (vs. direct) may be a factor in these Travel bounce rates, which are higher than for Shopping or Finance sites.
  • received a higher-than-average 68% of its traffic from mobile devices in 2017, while got an essentially average 56%.
  • Overall average bounce rate for the top 100 Hotel & Accommodation sites was 42%.
  • Bounce rates for both and, both mobile and desktop, were lower than the category average.
  • Visits to both and were longer than the category average; but visits on both mobile and desktop to were longer than those to (6.4 minutes vs. 5.7 on mobile), suggesting better user engagement at
  • Both and get a higher proportion of traffic from search on mobile, vs. desktop.
  • Mobile searches to came 62% from non-branded keywords, while those to came 93% from non-branded keywords.
  • Similarweb researchers conclude from this that is using a keyword strategy that optimizes mobile search for generic terms like "cheap hotels", "hotels near me", etc.

Is that a winning strategy? We'll have to wait and see what story the 2018 numbers will tell.

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