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UXPA 2025 Call for Proposals closes Friday
07 October 2024
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UXPA Amsterdam 16-19 June 2025

UXPA 2025 Call for Proposals closes Friday

The User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) has extended its deadline for 2025 international conference speaker proposals to 11:59 PM Pacific Time Friday this week 11 October 2024.

UXPA International Conference 2025 will be held in Amsterdam 16-19 June 2025.

UXPA seeks proposals for various conference tracks, disciplines, types of talks and audience levels:


  1. Career Development
  2. Emerging Technologies
  3. Tools & Techniques
  4. UX Strategy
  5. UX Leadership
  6. DEIA

Disciplines (optional):

  • UX Design
  • Visual Design
  • UX Research
  • Content Strategy
  • Content Writing
  • Design Ops

Type of talk:

  • 60-minute talk
  • 60-minute panel
  • 3-hour course with honorarium of 500-1000 euros
  • "Poster" - make a poster about what you did, and explain it to people

Audience level

  • Entry level
  • Mid level
  • Senior level

What happens after you submit a proposal:

  • 5 anonymous people will review it and comment on it.
  • Chairpersons will review proposals and comments.
  • Top proposals will be shortlisted.
  • Full conference committee will select proposals for final program.
  • Note that for every proposal you submit, you must review 3 proposals of others.
  • One individual per accepted proposal will get a 300 euro discount on conference registration.

App which you must use to submit proposals is here:

Help with questions is here:

or here:

Comment: Should be a wonderful conference. Too bad so far away.

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David Boggs MS    - David
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